Today's show I was, for whatever reason, critiquing bands as far as my show goes.
Black Houses opened the evening with an interesting blend of metal and sludgy/stoner music, but all led by a very alternative/hard rock voice. An interesting mix. The crowd was totally dead for this band sadly, but I enjoyed it enough to pick up a copy of the album for the station. I just wish the vocals weren't so pretty. It's great for mainstream rock radio, but not quite as rough as I'd like for indie metal radio. If you like Hard Rcok though, check these guys out, good sound.
Warship was next and while the crowd never really got into these guys much either, I thought they did a really nice job. The music came off much better live to me and I think I will enjoy the CD more after hearing them play live. This was a another band where, with a different vocalist, they would be all over my show. But with these guys, I really do like it either way, I just can't fit them into my sound.
Number Twelve Looks Like You was tonight's winner, by far. Definitely stole the show. They know how to play in a small venue. One of the vocalists divided his time actually being in the mosh pit singing into a megaphone, waving a flag around, crowd surfing, hanging his mike over the crowd from the ceiling, and more zany things I temporarily forget. Then there was the theme of love. To promote love in the audience, couples were invited to make out on stage for an entire song. A boy was invited up to get his first kiss from a girl. The drummer spent as much time at the front of the stage as behind the set, banging cymbals from the front and dancing with the rest of the band. Oh and about the music: not my style really, but that affected my enjoyment of the live show not at all.
Fall of Troy was meh, in a word. I'm not entirely sure why I stuck around for the whole performance. I guess I was always hoping they would play good music. Then, for the encore, they played FCPREMIX, and I guess they did play good music at that point. Some neat facts about this performance though: it was their first in 3 days as their van had broken down on tour, they started with old songs and not the new album to get the crowd (and I think themselves) pumped up. Many elements of their music appeals to me but I still can't get into it...though I rather wish I could.
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